Thursday, June 4, 2015

Night owl problems

You know those days, the kind of days where you are tired and dragging your feet all throughout your errands and work until the moment when the sun winds down behind the mountains and night falls?  And the second that you decide to plop down on the couch to relax and crack open the chasm that is Netflix, you realize: you are not tired, you have no intention of moving your sack of a body to the bedroom, and so you stare blankly at the computer screen waiting for sleep to ravage you.

And then you try all the different methods that people say will make you dose off, like reading a book

And when you realize that only works in history class and not in the comfort of your home, you resort to late night Netflix, which turns into Netflix binges.  

But here's the thing, it isn't a problem with you, it is a problem with your sleep schedule.  You are, let's face it, a creature of habit, and when you find that your energy spikes at night, it is because your activities flood in after 10 pm.  Let me guess, you eat late at night because you procrastinate doing your homework until late and need the extra energy, and then you wonder why you can't fall asleep after finishing at 11:30.  Well, let's diagnose this: you're pushing yourself to perform late at night and forcing yourself to work at top efficiency, steadily speeding through questions, pumping the adrenaline and then to your surprise, you aren't exhausted anymore, you've caught a second wind.  It is all about changing your habits and learning to adapt; you can't last long getting five hours of sleep a night through college, despite the rumors.  It is time to realize that you are an adult, all nighters should be circumstantial and that you don't bounce back the way you should anymore.  Don't burn yourself out before you get to the good stuff!  If worse comes to worse and you really can't find yourself changing your old ways, try the old fashion solution, warm milk to calm your nerves and your mind.  

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